Monday, September 3, 2012

Going to Skye

As we left Inverness, I realized I hadn't put the map in the front of the car, so we used the SatNav, and this chose the route north through Ullapool.  I have not been to Ullapool, but I've heard it's lovely and many people from Thurso go to Ullapool taking the coast road west, which I hear is slow going, but lovely.

The road from Inverness was okay, but it kept sort of disappearing.  One minute we would be on a two lane road, and the next it would be single track.  There was little to no signage to indicate when this would happen, so it required a bit of attention.

When we got to Loch Carron, we saw a little place to stop and so we did.  This was a craft place and restaurant.  The craft place was run by a husband and wife, and the restaurant was run by the son and daughter-in-law.

Seriously, how cute is this place
We mooched around the shop, which was filled with all sorts of local art including pottery, photography, knitting, and general tat.  After making my purchases, I went out and took some photos of their view, which was fairly spectacular.

View across Carron Loch at Church
Sarah had asked the potter how he did his glaze while he was wrapping up my stuff.  I am not sure who was more surprised: him, by her complete focus and interest; or her, that he was actually telling her how it was done.  

He went back to his wheel and I think Sarah could have stayed there all day watching, but we eventually lured her to the cafe for Victoria Sponge.
Sarah takes it all in
After our stop, we went on to Skye.  My SatNav resets itself when you stop, so the navigation doesn't continue.  We decided we were far enough along that we didn't need to reset it - this caused Sarah much anxiety.  She just didn't seem to buy into the concept of, 'we'll figure out.'  This was fairly humorous and repeated often over the next 3 days.

We noticed there were often these lone trees on the hills, we wondered if these trees were antisocial, really independent.  We all loved the trees because they were just so very funny.
Lone trees

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, It is Labor Day today, David is working a 12 hour at his new ER..seems to be getting into it..Dad off to see the girls..where is Strathcarron? Victoria sponge? really and you aren't going to tell us what that is..a dessert for sure? I love the serene settledness of Scotland..Did Sarah say she would go again when she headed home? Have a wonderful day, hug M&T
