Friday, August 17, 2012

The Thistle

Full white the Bourbon lily blows,
And fairer haughty England's rose.
Nor shall unsung the symbol smile,
Green Ireland, of thy lovely isle. 
In Scotland grows a warlike flower,
Too rough to bloom in lady's bower;
His crest. when high the soldier bears,
And spurs his courser on the spears. 
O there it blossoms - there it blows
The thistle's grown aboon the rose.

 Poem by Allan Cunningham (1784-1842) 


  1. I'll bet it's a beautiful morning in Scotland...I love your greenest of greens and your lavender and purples. Very 'Scottish" poetry...Mom used to love to recite poems. A lost art.

  2. An epistle to a thistle-
    Just a quickie so my sis'll
    get a smile, I'm hoping this'll
    do the trick. So give a little whistle
    if you like this silly missile
    for a flower and it's pistil
    thriving in the Scottish mist.'ill

  3. excellent poetry auntie..more than I could have ever hoped the the Scottish thistle like a Texas thistle..spiky and rough?
