Friday, April 18, 2014

maggie and thatcher have left scotand

This morning at 0915 we glided down the highlands and left Caithness. It was a glorious day, the sea was shining, the fields were green, and the baby lambs were running around. After a fight with 
Thatcher outside of Stirling, which centered around his wanting to sit in the driver's seat and me wanting him to sit in the back of the car and resulted in the leash and his collar being broken and me calling him a bad word in front of a super serene lady holding her brand new baby and two whippets... we drove silently out of Scotland at 1445 and put this amazing adventure behind us.


  1. It was a glorious adventure and I loved that you shared it with us..we are looking forward to seeing you all soon. Have a safe and smooth journey. hugs and kisses.

  2. alas...goodbye dear Scotland and the grand memories gained there. And unto the new adventure. Smooth Sailing for you three...coming home to the good old USA has it's rewards.
