Maggie, Thatcher and I still live in an apartment. A very nice apartment right on the Thurso River next to a fantastic park. We take about 4 walks every day through the park, down to the ocean and along the river.
If you know Maggie - and many of you do - you know that Maggie can have an attitude problem, particularly with other dogs, especially red dogs and poodles. This can be a big deal and lots of people don't like or appreciate my snarling, lunging, barking Labrador. When you have both of them and they outweigh you (I just realized this factoid), it can be a real challenge.
About two weeks ago, Maggie nipped this really gorgeous red hunting dog, and the owner was not pleased. Since then, I have been very careful and kept her super close. We have been avoiding other dogs and changing our route if at all possible.
In the last couple of days, we have come across some really nice guys and their dogs.
On Sunday, we came across an Alsatian/Rottweiler mix. I pulled mine off to the side to let them pass, but the guy stopped. Maggie started getting worked up, but the guy told me it was okay, let it play out, so I did. She had her fit and then calmed down and had a nice rub and sniff with this very strange looking dog. We all trotted off feeling pretty good.
Today, in about the same place we came across this lovely older guy with his beautiful 2-year old black lab. I pulled mine off the walk to let them pass, but they stopped. I hadn't realized that Thatcher had crossed behind me on the tandem lead. Maggie got worked up and Thatcher got curious and answered the black labs call for play - both simultaneously rushing forward, sweeping the lead and my feet straight into the air and right onto my butt, landing in a giant thump. They dragged me forward a bit while I calculated our weight differential, and I wonder if I could maybe save some money if I cut back on their dog food.
Never fear, the ground is much softer here in Scotland. I practically sprang back up like I was on a trampoline, after they dragged me about a foot.
Well, Maggie is really worked up, but the lovely guy says, don't worry, let her go, so I do. He is more worried that I'm hurt, but I'm worried his black lab is about to be Maggie's snack. She does eventually calm down. There is some sniffing, and she gets some nice rubs from this guy even though she'd gotten a few nips in on his dog.
As he is rubbing her goodbye, he says "Poor girl, you want to be friends, you just don't know how to go about it."
Scotland definitely agrees with you..I love the blog..