Monday, February 13, 2012


Two weeks here, and it's time to got to Wick and see the big Tesco (grocery store). Jason and I went together to gather supplies for Sunday Lunch.  This Sunday's theme was pork and dubbed Sunday Piggy Sunday.  Wick is about 20-30 minutes away depending on tractors and speed limit compliance.

We spent hours in the store.  Up and down every aisle, things seemed to be separated by who made them not what they are.   For example nuts are in the produce section, snack section, health food aisle, baking section, and the ethnic food sections (at least 2).  Interestingly, the pricing is variable on the same thing - say Brazil nuts most expensive in the produce section and least expensive in the ethnic food section.

Jason and I spend £500 between us.  We are still working on a cash basis because our accounts are not set up, so the check out counter can be exciting and it's nice to have someone there that might be able to bail you out if you over spend.  Everyone at work was very surprised at our spend at Tesco and asked us what we could have purchased for that amount of money, but Jason and I were fairly stumped as the car was full, but it was not that full.

When we leave, the wind is blowing so hard I can’t push my cart straight and end up bouncing off of several concrete bollards – thankfully no cars.  Jason let’s go of his cart so he can laugh at me and his cart zooms though 2 rows of cars until he catches it. 

We make it to the car and start putting the groceries in. The bacon flies out of my cart.  So I race across the car park trying to get it – almost make contact 3 times, but finally give up as I am heaving with laughter and have to rest against someone’s car. 

Our bacon lost forever in the countryside of Caithness.

We finally get everything in the car and I notice that there are a couple of people watching us - sort of like we are crazy.  We sit in the car for a little while - and watch the time earned technique of this little old lady striding through the car park with her full cart: knees slightly bent, purposeful strides, arms straight out in front of you. 

We will know better for next time, and Sunday lunch did not suffer as when we unpacked the groceries, we realized it was the prosciutto, not the bacon that was lost. 

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