Saturday, July 21, 2012

Celebrating the 7th of July?

Celebrating the 4th of July in another country is often strange and definitely completely unlike any celebration you might have in the US.  Having this celebration in the country from which you celebrate your independence, well that's another thing all together.

We all trooped to work on the 4th.  Bo and I decked ourselves out in red, white and blue.  The rest of the Americans kept it a bit more sedate.  There were snarky comments throughout the day about what day is this - why would it be celebratory...

The canteen on-site made a real effort with decorations and menu.  They had burgers, hot dogs (from a can), and chicken wings.  I ate soup.

It just so happened that Marta was born on the 4th of July. Bo said, I think they wrote a song about her; I always wondered who that song was about.

Photo is compliments of B. Kippen
As a result, Marta planned and pulled off a fantastic party at her new place.  She had brisket, ribs, and homemade poppers.  Most of the American came and a few of our new British friends.

There were some interesting lessons learned, like when you ask for a rack of ribs at the butcher, they will often cut the ribs up individually regardless of your numerous instructions.  In addition, the brisket will arrive rolled up so that it looks like a giant pork roast - you should take it out of this roll for cooking it American style - a lesson for next year.

We all brought sides - Brad's beans were to die for and Fiona's pavlova was a dream.  We ate and laughed, but Bo and I did notice that it was the first 4th of July where I could see my breath while standing next to the barbecue.


  1. will need Brads recipe for Beans... Canned hotdogs...spooky.
    I'm just finished 1776 by David McCoullough...that guy can make the battle of NJersey, NYork and Boston read like a thriller.
    The book explains easily the British attitude toward July 4.

  2. Yep, I'm thinking canned hot dogs would be a lot like Vienna sausages. And smiling about the ribs and the brisket. I'm guessing that the residents of Thurso don't watch The Food Network.
