Friday, July 6, 2012

Imperial War Museum

The conference dinner this week was at the Imperial War Museum. Conference dinners can be the best part of the event, as the organizers really do try and come up with something unusual, and I think this weeks was particularly spectacular. 

The museum is based on all war and there were exhibits on wars historical and current.  The museum itself and the exhibits were very modern in presentation. The dinner tables were set up right in the middle.  The food was really good - lamb loin and raspberry creme brulee.

My favorite exhibits was behind the tables.  It had file cabinets floor to ceiling. 

The files - with a bit of a self portrait
Each drawer had a photograph on it.  Some of the drawers were open with larger photos of some scene either from war or associated with war time.

Drawer photos - love the dogs in the upper corner
Other drawers were open, and there was personal items in the drawer, presumably associated with the photo on the drawer itself.  The items were every day, very personal, and sometimes very sobering.

He dies as he lived, brave and fearless, a true British hero
 They had a 'show' between courses.  There were images projected on the museum walls and a narrative from people talking about their experience in the war, some were soldiers, wives, and children during the war.

This photo is SO I Wore Pink - isn't it?
This all seems TOTALLY worth doing 20 minutes of something I really don't enjoy - doesn't it?


  1. love the dress you look lovely...last blog has not shown up on the email..will see if this one usually takes about 24 hours for it to show up..this place looks fascinating..your dad would love it..enjoyed Jill's very brief visit..Dave fixed dinner so she got to see all of the family..(minus Zach)..and they had an ice cream with Doug and family at the Dairy Queen on the way home...they go back to SD tomorrow..staying with Steve's niece in San Angelo..

  2. What a wonderful exhibit! Charlie recommended the Nimitz museum in Fredericksburg but we didn't have two hours to devote to much to do, so little time, and I love museums! Enjoyed seeing all of the family, got a beautiful bowl from David and pecans from Sandy.
    Mango souffle and raspberry creme brulee.....delightfully decadent!

  3. Well that's mind boggling...just setting up something like that would be a magnificent feat..but getting to enjoy it would be mind blowing. So sorry to be behind...but I do have a lovely new computer which I'm getting some control of finally. So glad to get up to date with your wonderful blog. Missed you and it.
