Sunday, September 30, 2012

Maid of the Mist

I have never been to Niagara Falls, and I was excited about going.  Because I had an early flight, I got there right when everything opened.  I hadn't had much time to do any research so I just had to take things as I figured them out.

Everyone else in my group had travelled on a separate flight, as by the time they made their travel arrangements, my flights were sold out.  This caused a bunch on consternation, which I found funny.  However, they had made it to the Falls the previous evening and I kept a look out for the group, but I never saw them.

People from all over the world come to Niagara and like any national park, they roll out of their tour bus, take snaps and then run back to their bus for the next thing.  I  always find this odd. 

On the Observation Deck - American Falls over my right shoulder and Horseshoe Falls over my left shoulder
I decided to go on to the observation deck because it's impossible to get good photos from the American side of the falls.  As I got to the booth, I said what the heck, take the Maid of the Mist tour - when are you ever going to be able to do this again!?! 

There are lots of sign on the way to the maid of the mist about once you pass this point you accept liability...they hand you your poncho and everyone queues up.

Blue ponchos queueing up for the Maid of the Mist
Watching everyone in the line is fairly entertaining.  There is lots of photo taking and a bit of pushing and shoving.  When they let you onto the boat everyone tries for position on the rail. It generally shows everyone's worst nature.  This is only topped by the people behind you trying to get their camera in front of your face so that they can get a better picture.

American Falls - ooh, aah...
The falls and the boat ride are spectacular.  The fabulous clouds made for perfect light and shadow.   The sound was almost as good as the image.  

After the ride, I walked up to the Horseshoe falls overlook and had lunch.  Then I worked my way back to the car and drove off to Ellicottville.
Horseshoe Falls, looking at Canada, I'd been in that boat just an hour ago


  1. definitely cool and good for the complexion. Your outfit went well with the color of the ponchos....I'm glad you take time to smell the roses.

  2. What a beautiful group of pictures! So happy you did the Maid of the Mist and your narrative did the pictures justice. Thanks!
