Saturday, September 1, 2012

Skye: The details

Gill and I had planned a trip to Skye a couple of years ago, but the travel gods conspired against us and we didn't make it, so this year we decided to reschedule.

We invited the lovely 10-year old Sarah along with us, and she agreed to come.  Everything was planned out.  They would take the train(s) up to Inverness, I would pick them up and we would continue on to Skye.  

I made the arrangements.  I had a bit of frustration trying to find a hotel that would allow non-adults, apparently this is UK thing and I found it fairly irritating, but I found a place on the south end of the island.

The general plan was to tackle one portion of the island each day with a mix of tourist attractions, shopping and random stops.  We had planned a whale watching boat trip, but a recent 'incident' with Gill and a boat had Sarah and I reconsider the necessity of a boat trip.
Blog note: I have spent HOURS trying to create a map for this stupid blog to mark the locations of the places I go, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get something I can mark and then embed or link.  This should not be that hard!!!!!
Skye is connected to mainland Scotland by the Skye bridge - clever!  This bridge is very unpopular with the locals - they think it's ugly.  I really thought it was quite beautiful and certainly makes getting to Skye a bit easier than the ferry, which I think is the real issue with the locals.

I did not take this photo.  This was one of our lessons about Skye - they seem to have an interpretation of distance.  There would be a sign that would say viewing area in 250 yards, but you would pull in and in fact you couldn't see anything.  Then a mile later there would be a viewing area.

The bridge is really elevated.  I'd dreamt that Sarah and I screamed all of the way across the bridge and Gill sat in the back shaking her head and shouting shut up - this did not actually happen on our crossing.


  1. a map would be cool..we all had to get our atlas out and see where this went to wikipedia...we are anxious to hear about is 100 and very dry every day..we are looking forward to cool...and green...have a nice you

  2. Your blues and greens are wonderful to see...Poor US is so dry in so many places...SD,TEX and ID definitely dry.
    So a 10 year old would make looking at things a little different when you see it from a childs eyes. She must have felt so grown up.
    Hey girl...I sympathize with the are WAY up the food chain from me.
