Sunday, June 2, 2013

Krakow (KROCK - oof)

Lufthansa is a hot mess.  Eventually managed to print out my boarding pass before leaving the hotel for the airport.  After a bacon roll and americano, the check in desk is open.  I join the line, which is very long considering the check in had just opened. 75 minutes later I dropped my bags - the line was really no shorter behind me and the gal taking my bag said we should maybe tell someone.  You think?

I go to security and after 30 minutes I am through - it was a mess.  We board immediately, and I imagine a few people didn't make the flight.  Once in the air, there is a really long announcement in German and English. I hear something about bags, weight, change in runway then Frankfurt.  The very enthusiast German next to me got the flight attendant to tell her the whole story.  Seems winds had shifted and they had to use a different runway meaning they had to reduce weight and had done that by removing bags.  They 'tried' to only remove the bags of people that did not have connections...with Lufthansa.

In Frankfurt and late, we are told to go immediately to our gates, which required going through security, several flights of stairs then through immigration where the jerk threw my passport back at me - like it was dirty of something.

Long walk and I eventually arrive at my gate just as boarding has started.  On I go, sitting next to a young Canadian girl on her way to Krakow for a volleyball competition.  The plane was full of them having flown from Vancouver to New York with a 4 hour wait from New York to Frankfurt with a 4 hour wait and then a 4 hour wait to Krakow. She immediately fell asleep; it was one of the fathers sitting across the aisle from me that told this whole story.  It seemed as if all the girls brought their fathers, and I thought this was sort of cool.

In Krakow, I wait for my bag - will it come, will it - long long wait and then finally there it was.  I had to hunt around for a cash machine that was in operation and armed with Zloty, I got a cab to my hotel called the Pugatow.  Cab driver tried to drop me at the wrong place, but we finally worked it out, and I was here.  24 hours ago I had some doubts that this would happen.

Hotel is impossible cute.  My room is teeny tiny, but in a good way.  

It is pouring  down rain.  So I just creep around the corner to Il Calzone.  It is well off the road and filled with polish people.  It was Italian and I had asparagus (white) in a cream sauce and a fresh squid ink pasta with red sauce.  It could have used a chili pepper, but it was good, and I was very hungry.

Filled up, I headed back to the hotel and crawled into my tiny bed and slept, dreaming of breakfast in the cellar...

1 comment:

  1. Krakow...will be getting my atlas out. You are my geography teacher these many years. Travel Nightmares...good thing it's all written down on the blog for your bestseller when you get ready to start writing. (LOVE the room..there is a biffy right?)
