Tuesday, June 25, 2013


When I walk outside on a Monday morning and find a dying bird laying on the doorstep, I am upset and think how awful, poor bird, what a sad way to start the day/week.

When Maggie walks outside on a Monday morning and find a dying bird laying on the doorstep, she thinks this is awesome, this thing smells, hahahahahahahahaha. Until it is ruined by her master say, Drop It!!

We performed a small but respectful burial at the grey bin.


  1. We had that happen yesterday...a little kamakasee chickadee hit the window. I fear Jim might have recycled him. Teddy Bear is dealing with lizards hanging out of Michael's mouth. Ugh. Is it summer there yet? Not here.

  2. Auntie & Uncle are enjoying a SD sunrise on the patio, watching a 'blue jay ballet' with about half a dozen jays swooping in for peanuts. Hope we can see you in August when we become Texans.

  3. the lizard was given another chance much to Michael's dismay..he searched for quite awhile and then looked very putout...it is what it is...
