Tuesday, July 2, 2013

eggs for breakfast!

We had eggs for breakfast!  There was some raw spinach and a roasted tomato, and it was very good.  We headed down to the beach for another circuit training session.  She set up different stations then yesterday, and the intervals were a bit longer.  It was hotter than yesterday but there was a good breeze.  It was still hot and sweaty work.  The personal trainer is on to the fact that I am lazy and she tried to 'encourage' me.  Unfortunately, I know this is not our only activity today, and I am pacing myself.  

After circuits, one of the organisers and her husband drove us into town to a tea shop.  She'd told us about this tea shop and when several expressed interest, she organized it and I thought that was very nice.  Gill wasn't all that interested, but then she realised that if she went, she wouldn't have to spend 15 minutes walking up hill to our resort.

The tea shop was amazing.  The guy was incredibly patient and pulled canister after canister down from the shelf for us to smell.  There were lots of purchases made by all of us.  

We headed back for lunch, and it was the most amazing, and garlicky, gazpacho and a salad with tuna on it - disgusting.  I managed to stay at the table, but the smell was horrible.  Gill and Suzy split my tuna, and the salad that had been contaminated by it.  Suzy is a very funny Amercian from Washington DC that seems to have a phobia of hitting hands during yoga, which causes her to constantly adjust her yoga mat.

After lunch, I had an anti-ageing facial with Spanish all natural products.  Facial was good, but she basically told me I had bad skin, oh excuse me, bad, saggy skin.  It was still a good facial.  I had just settle in on my balcony when I noticed everyone heading over to the chill out room.  When I checked the schedule, I realised that it was time for our style coach.

She was lovely, and I was so proud of Gill when she raised he hand to volunteer to have her colours done.  The night before, I had told our table this story of Gill having her colours done in Edinburgh where she was informed that she had NO colors.  I have told this story MANY times, and I always react in the same way as when it originally happened in that I laughed until my sides hurt and I have tears running down my face.  Even though this story is a bit at Gill's expense, she always has the same reaction, which amazed our fellow retreatees, particularly when they heard it had happened over 6 year ago.

FYI: Gill's an Autumn. This was a huge success and resulted in many people signing up for a one-to-one session.  One gal was totally traumatised when she was told she couldn't and shouldn't wear black, apparently she doesn't own anything else.  When she protested that this should be a positive uplifting experience, the coach said well you have nice hair.

We had Pilates before dinner, and I managed to do it without hyperventilating, but this is because I did my yoga breathing - not Pilates breathing. I got quite a bit of attention from the instructor.  I hate Pilates.

Dinner was pea, mint, and courgette soup and vegetable curry.  This totally made up for the tuna fiasco.  There was supposed to be meditating after dinner, but Gill and I read magazines and talked, which is a good thing because everyone that went didn't sleep well and when they were sleeping, they had horrible nightmares.  So lesson learned, always choose meditation by Marie Clare.

  Our apartments with a tiny sliver of sea in the far background.

1 comment:

  1. How could they ruin Gazpacho in Spain or Tuna Salads? Get your money back.
    Aversion to sweating and pilates?... You go girl!
