Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lifeboat Fair

This weekend was the lifeboat fund raiser.  Bo and Leslie had everything organized and added a few more games this year, including a cake walk - this required lots of explanation as there is apparently not UK equivalent.

As we were packing up, someone came over and told me they had just called my name, so up to the stage I went.  It seems I have won the drawing.  

Being that the prize was perishable, I had to leave immediately and miss packing everything up - boohoo.
Almost felt bad hacking up such a gorgeous fish

The 3 of us ate very well that night - Thatcher did a chase his tail in anticipation.


  1. the fish is gorgeous... what a great door prize..may probably envied you..

  2. What a stroke of good luck.......yum...the dogs like fish?
