Monday, October 15, 2012

I have such a crush on that falconer

For our final day, we headed south and stopped at Helmsdale.  There is a museum there called Timespan.  It's a very good museum about the local area.  They had a storytelling area and the lady at the front said let me know if the sound wasn't quite right - it wasn't, so back and forth she went - like 6 times until it was blasting us out of the room.  We all found this very funny.

After Timespan, we went to Dunrobin Castle.  We did the castle and had lunch, but then headed out for the afternoon bird show.  Andy flew 2 falcons and the bengal eagle owl.  When he was setting up he took the falcon in and used a blower drier to dry him off.  

Since it was still raining, he did the whole thing under the trees.  It was even better because the birds flew right between us all.
Andy and Bengal Owl
After the birds, it was time to say goodbye.  They were headed off to Edinburgh to catch their flight in the morning and I was headed back to Thurso.  

I had the best time