Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sunset Over Puget Sound

Staying in Seattle was a treat I gave myself.  I stayed at the Inn at the Market, which is right in Pike's Place Market.  I have always wanted to stay there and it did not disappoint.  After the long week and all of the appointment the day before, I was really looking forward to it. 

When I arrived, I has given a great big basket set up by Christine of fruit and wine.  Fruit can be fairly monotonous in Scotland, so although the wine was DELICIOUS, I gorged myself on fruit.

After my shopping, I ate dinner at a Korean place with an open kitchen.  I order several things (including oysters with kimchi). The chef and I chatted while he cranked out food for the entire place.  

It was fairly spectacular.  I am a very lucky girl.


  1. aH..Seattle, I remember it well. It was 1990. TB and me and our fellas at Pikes Peak Market, through the San Juans up to Victoria, Canada. Great Beauty and Great Food. You deserved that and more. You must come back...TB would go again.

  2. spectacular..hope you were having a great glass of wine as you you
